2019 Hart Baseball Alumni Game and Team Preview

The Hart High School Baseball Program is inviting you to cover and attend this year’s 2019 Alumni Baseball Game and Team Preview (Varsity, JV, Frosh).

The game will be 3-inning Alumni vs. Alumni format. BBQ lunch will be provided.

Prior to the game, Hart Baseball Alumnus Jenzen Torres, class of 2008, along with Dugout Club founders and super volunteers Jeff and Illona Valaika
(four sons played in the MLB), will be inducted into Hart Baseball’s Wall of Fame.

The National Anthem will be performed by Hart’s award-winning 11-member a Capella group, HartBeat.

Time:  Sunday, January 27th, 11am to 2pm

Time Activity
10am Snack Bar Opens
11am Alumni/Media Check In
11:45am National Anthem
Noon Alumni & Wall of Fame Introductions
12:30pm 2019 Team Introductions
1pm Alumni Baseball Game (3 innings)

Location:  Hart High School Baseball Field, 24825 Newhall Avenue, Newall, CA  91321

**Former Hart MLB players may attend
Questions:  Please contact John Dow, Hart Dugout Club President, at (661) 857-0867 or john.dow@ca.rr.com

Notable Hart MLB Alumni: